Forensic Medicine & Toxicology is a multidisciplinary subject bridging medicine & law. It deals with the application of medical knowledge for legal purposes, such as crime-related investigations solving sensational cases appraising the law courts to dispense justice.

The aim is to produce a physician who is well informed regarding the law in relation to medical practice and is capable of helping the Criminal Justice System in disbursement of justice. 

Educating ethics to medical students, application of standard guidelines for safe practice, and also protecting themselves from civil torts, consumer, and criminal cases which may arise while dealing with patients.

We provide instruction on laws in relation to medical profession, legal procedure, medical ethics and etiquette, identification, injuries, post-mortem changes, pregnancy, delivery, abortion, infanticide, sexual jurisprudence, toxicology etc. Practicals include identification of bones, dactylography, age estimation, x-rays, identification of toxicological specimens and poisons, etc.